Hiatus and...

Sorry for the long pause to anyone who was following along with me... I had a password mishap which has been remedied.

Meanwhile, the march towards our imminent move overseas continues. To recap, Skeeter and Mr. Skeeter (hubby Matt) are moving to Ireland, hopefully by the end of the year. We are actually hoping to get there in time for Christmas. We did just do a quick 4 day stay to look at houses. We are back home, purging, sorting, tossing, and packing. I recently went through all of my original PC and PCjr floppies and copied off as much data as I could. I'm hoping to do some DOSBOX stuff when we get to the other side of the pond and maybe give some of these old programs a whirl. Sadly, my first machine, an IBM PCjr, won't be going with me at this time, but it will be stored safely stateside until the time is right.

Until next time, Cheers.
